Volume 23 No. 6

$20.00 / Member Price: $16.00

In our December/January offering, we round out the 23rd volume of TSJ with a collection of profiles, spot checks, and backstories documenting the varied edges of our culture. Go into untapped Indo (where even B-Grade waves are stunners) with photographer Brad Masters, the deep heart of Australian slab surfing with 16-year-old tube hunter Russell Bierke, and 100 years into history in Virginia Beach, one of the East Coast’s most overlooked yet enduring surf citadels. Photographically, this issue also takes a look at the time-capsuled portfolio of 1960s Australian shooter Bob Weeks and the hyper-modern images of Surfing mag’s Jimmy Wilson. A pairing between George Greenough and Pink Floyd, a look at the home and career of documentarian (and surf filmmaker) Greg MacGillivray, the linocuts of artist Stan Squire, and the nefarious dealings of surfer/operator Mike Tabeling can also be found in between the folds.