Island X

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A reader-supported surf publication founded in 1992, The Surfer’s Journal is vivid, authoritative, and independent. The goal of each 132-page bimonthly edition? A completely resolved composition. Balance. Color. Story. And purist surf energy from Page One to close-of-book.

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A photo book five years in the making, capturing the essence of surf exploration.

For decades, photographer and frequent TSJ contributor Mark McInnis has hunted surf in the coldest fringes of Earth. In his travels, no location has struck him quite like Island X, a remote outpost in the Bering Sea. With a foreword by filmmaker Ben Weiland, and featuring surfing by Josh Mulcoy, Pete Devries, Noah Wegrich, and island native Ricardo Merculief, Island X is a testament that empty perfection is still out there.

  • Hardbound
  • 200 Pages
  • Published by Mark McInnis