Soundings: Season 6 Episode 4

Ryan Burch

On what excites him about the future of surfboard design, surf stardom, the virtues of working with your hands, traveling, entrepreneurship, and getting comfortable in hollow waves.

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Hailing from Encinitas, California, Ryan Burch is a goofyfoot, a shaper, a husband, a new father, a free surfer, and a free thinker. His approach to wave-riding might be described as experimental, both in the lines he draws and the surfcraft that he rides—everything from asyms to gliders to old-school twin-keeled fishes to sawed-off chunks of raw foam. Burch shaped his first board at age 20, loved it, shaped more, and soon became a leading figure in the backyard, DIY board building scene. He’s appeared in a number of surf films, among them 2010’s Stoked and Broke and 2019’s Self Discovery for Social Survival. His part in 2015’s Psychic Migrations earned him a “Best Performance” nomination in the Surfer Poll Awards. In this episode of Soundings, Burch sits down with Jamie Brisick to talk about the virtues of working with your hands, receiving feedback from the ocean, getting comfortable in hollow surf, G-Land, fatherhood, living with intention, entrepreneurship, and his influences.

Produced by Jonathan Shifflett.
Music by PazKa (Aska Matsumiya & Paz Lenchantin).

Feature image by Grant Ellis.